Who We Are
T.R.U.S.T Fellows
Our Fellows take on positions of responsibility.
We have 12 Fellows who serve as selected members.
They have all completed the nine-month T.R.U.S.T. Workshop.
As participants, they were strong contributors in the workshops: completing assignments, helping where needed for set up, speaking out in small groups and exhibiting responsible behaviors in the workshops and on the yard. Current members nominate new members who then fulfill a 90 day trial to make sure the group is a good fit for them.
Executive Committee
Chair: Louis Light
Vice Chair: Sergio Alvarez
Secretary: Jon Goldberg
Sargent at Arms: Ron Joffrion
Education Chair: Lou Bernabei
Events Chair: Cesar Nava
TRUST men who are out
As of May, 2021, at least 56 of our former Fellows are now released. They are leading productive lives while contributing in many ways to their families and communities. To our knowledge, none have returned to prison.
Two of them have returned to their home countries; both are working to promote the principles of T.R.U.S.T. to their local prisons and communities.